A&H Software Ltda. Apps

Michaelis Escolar Francês
A practical dictionary of French, "offline" and pronunciation.
Michaelis Escolar Espanhol
A handy dictionary of Spanish, "offline" and pronunciation.
Michaelis Escolar Inglês 1.5.2
A practical English dictionary, "offline", and conjugation andpronunciation.
Michaelis Escolar Alemão 1.3.1
A Practical Dictionary of German "offline" and pronunciation.
Michaelis Escolar Italiano 1.3.1
A practical dictionary of Italian, "offline" and pronunciation.
Dicionário Michaelis Inglês
The most complete English dictionary of Brazil, "offline" andconjugation.
Dicionário Michaelis Português
New version 4.0 of the most complete Portuguese dictionary: 10years of Google Play
Dicionário Português e Inglês
Two dictionaries - Portuguese and English - in an "offline" andconjugation!
Michaelis Escolar Português
A handy dictionary of Portuguese Brazil, "offline" and conjugation.
Michaelis Nova Ortografia
A practical guide and objective about the new OrthographicAgreement of the Portuguese language.